You see: With brown hair / brown eyes / strong brows, I am juuuust swarthy enough to pass as a kooky librarian of a number of ethnic backgrounds. & y'all know that I love every second, because my being mistaken as Persian, Argentinian, Jewish, Portuguese, Filipina, Tunisian, etc = INFINITELY preferable to my true, tragic Ukrainian reality! (Oh the native food options I could be eating if I was not grandfathered into the world's least loved legacy of cabbage and horseradish!!)
ALAS. This blog has probably indicated to you at some point, dear readership, what's really up in this ethnically-ambiguous gal's bloodline (Read: %$#%DISASTER).
But it is still my least-rational of personal joys: every time I am mistaken as Pakistani / Mexican / Turkish, my heart swells two sizes!!! A girl can dream!
And so: on my first day in Bogota, I have once again been able to revel in my ability to (((blend in))). Within 20 minutes on the street in the Candelaria district, I transformed into La Liza de Bogota - everyone's fave, slightly-less-goth-than-expected, bespectacled, eyebrows-fer-dayz native-Bogotana computer technician.